Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Will I be required to sign a waiver?

A:  Yes, all participants/members/guests must sign the waiver as a condition of registration and participation. Click here to review the waiver.

Q: What age can I start my child skiing or snowboarding?

A: Children can start skiing as young as age three or snowboarding as young as age six but it should be done in a one-on-one situation and for a limited time. In a group setting age six and older is ideal for skiers and age ten and older is ideal for snowboarders. The first day (or two) on a snowboard requires a certain amount of strength, balance, coordination and most of all patience.

Q: Which Rod Roy program is best for my child?

A: Refer to the Program Guide to find the best program for your child. 

Q: Should my child wear a helmet?

A: Yes. It is recommended that skiers and snowboarders of all ages wear a helmet. For more information on models and sizing visit Rod Roy members receive exclusive discounts on helmets at our partnering ski shops

Q: Should my child wear wrist guards?

A: Yes. It is recommended that snowboarders wear wrist guards. These wrist guards are similar to those used for inline skating or skateboarding. 

Q: Should my child bring a lunch or buy it at the ski hill?

A: Bring a lunch. The buses are open (and heated) for 30 minutes at lunch and are generally the best spot to eat considering that ski hill cafeterias are usually crowded at noon. Bring some money to purchase snacks at off peak hours.

Q: How do I choose equipment?

A: Refer to the following Buyers Guide. You can purchase new or used equipment. If you purchase used equipment at a garage sale or from an acquaintance be aware that older bindings and boots can not always be safely adjusted at a ski shop.

Q: What form of identification will I need?

A: All members will receive a letter in mid-December including their membership number and confirming their program. Members in the Laurentide program will receive an ID card to be affixed to the outside of the ski jacket. 

Q: What happens if I am going to miss a trip?

A: If you are going to miss a trip you can send someone else (a friend or family member) in your place. Replacement option details. Another option is to try and make-up for the missed trip on another day. This is possible with the U-Drive programs but not always possible with programs that include bus transportation.

Q: Can I bring a MP3 player or video game on the bus?

A: Yes, but do not leave valuables unattended during the day. Use a locker in the ski hill cafeteria or ask your Bus Supervisor if they can place your valuables in a secure place.